Thursday, November 02, 2006

Be afraid.

What is the most terrifying part of the upcoming election??? I think there are two responses to, it the absolute dearth of really good candidates...(not at all unusual...after all, look at the White House)...but even scarier, but almost amusing, is how even a modest victory by the Dems next week will play out.

One part is the elevation of some of these dolts to be Committee Charlie Rangel...and watching Pelosi try to keep her pals from going on a massive vendetta against Bush & Co. will be one hell of a fight...(SIDEBAR: Articles of Impeachment against Bush have already been drawn up...Apparently the idea of President Cheney isn't enough to dissuade them.) I know that Pelosi wants to create and maintain party discipline for two years to show that they can in fact govern...That alone will be nearly worth the price of admission...


Watching old ZOWIE HOWIE Dean take credit for this victory will be even better. Zowie Howie is far enough to the left to be able to call Fat Teddy Kennedy a fascist. I am betting that Zowie Howie will consider himself the architect of all that happens good next week...and will try to drag the Dems even closer to his own political philosophy. And let us not overlook his own presidential ambitions...

I am of the belief that Bush is the best Democrat there is...
he has so badly fucked the Republican Party that it may not recover for quite a while...(see: 1972). He and Dicky and Rummy and the rest of the neo-nutbars have do so very much damage that the voters are unlikely to be very trusting of the GOP (on a national scale) any time soon...I have been saying since the first year of W's first term that he is to the GOP what Jimmy Fucking Carter was to the Democrats in the late seventies. Every day W & Crew get in their little clown car (with Dickie driving) and cruise around like the Keystone Kops mixed up with the Marx Brothers chasing the Three Stooges...and they call it governing.

Yup...Tuesday will be a big day...get ready to pay higher taxes...


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