Tuesday, October 03, 2006


So, ex-Congressman Mark Foley has resigned over having exchanged naughty em/im's with a seventeen year old former Congressional Page...
Foley has checked himself into rehab. Odd. It isn't sixteen year old scotch that he has a problem with, it is sixteenyear old crotch. Altho, apparently no physical contact ever occurred, except in the online sex version.

Foley says he was molested by a clergyman when he was a teen. He also says he is gay. I wonder if any of the gay community will rally to his rehab efforts...natrually, the dem's are going orgasmic over this...(pun intentional)...but they are strangely silent about the page himself who used to be a Republican and who is now a Democrat...ya don't suppose this is a set-up do ya??? While ole Hassert is being fried, no one is questioning how long the dem's have been aware of this...I do think that they should have waited for another few weeks tho...you know...closer to the election to do the maximum damage.

For anyone with google in place of a memory, check 1983...two congressmen were sanctioned for this sort of behavior...one, a Republican whose name escapes me, ended up leaving office after having sex with a teenage female page. The other, a democrat from MA named Gary Studds (sadly inappropriate for a member of Congress, greatly appropriate for a gay porn star), had sex with a teenage male page, but got repeatedly reelected by the good citizens of his Mass. district.
Apparently, that is one place where "lifestyle" practices don't interfere with ones ability to make laws for the country as a whole...(pun intentional, again)


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