Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Lizard...

Before us now is that ancient lizard, Liz Smith...gossip columnist for the New York Post...altho, in reality she is more of a political columnist, always offering her touchy-feely POV much more often than gossip...she never misses a chance to shit on any one who isn't to the left of Marx...she seems to always have a particular dislike for the Reagan's...That aside, today she took issue with Jackie Mason...yes! Jackie isn't as if that ugly (but funny) little toad is well known as a neo-con...quite the contrary. But he appeared on Keith Olberman's MSNBC show last night and indicated that the Mel Gibson thing isn't that big of a deal...and that racism in the US isn't too bad these days.
Naturally old Lizzie the clit-clamp went bonkers at this...she thinks the rebuilding of New Orleans was racially motivated, and that the desire to secure our boarders is racist to the nth degree...and don't get her started on anti-semitism...naturally, she left out gays...maybe too close to home...

To which I say, ENOUGH IS TOO FUCKING MUCH... It seems to be alldamnedright for the poor unfortunate Jews/blacks/hispanics to whine about the past..OK...we heard shut the fuck up! I played no part in the holocaust...and no one I know did, centinaly no member of my family...I have been to Dachau, I get the was awful, unspeakable...but quit looking for sympathy if you don't have a tattoo on your forearm...sympathy doesn't transfer and is not re-assignable.
If you are black, and an actual descendent of slaves I will agree that your ancestors were fucked...and badly...and would have made more sense, in 1865if not from the very beginning, to embrace you, and welcome you in to the "family" as it were...keep you out has been criminally stupid and has wasted trillions of dollars, just in my lifetime alone...but dressing like convicts and behaving badly doesn't engender any sympathy today for the sins of the past..the near past of 1965 or the far past, of 1865.
If you are an illegal immigrant, from anywhere...get the hell out! I'll mow my own lawn...If you are a Mexican, filled with hate for the US, get out even quicker and return to that cultural shithole south of the Big River...Less than 4% of the 30 million hispanics in the US illegally are engaged in don't try to feed me the artichoke picking crap you so frequently spew...come legally, or go away...
I wonder how may Gringos get invited into the barrio for chow on any given Saturday night? None would be my guess. Yet the rest of us are the bigots...
It isn't racism that makes me dislike is much more personal than is that you fled a country with less than no culture, save for pissy beer, catcus juice and food that causes nuclear farts, and you call it "culture"...aside from Salma Hyack, you don't have squat...yet you refuse to embrace what is here in the US, save for the free educaion and medical services and al the rest of the gimmies that the assholes in congress and local government give you...are they gonna be surprised when you vote them out of office and decide to re-join Mexico...

And the Nation of Immigrants ca-ca can go too...that was then, this is NOW...we are FULL...and you refuse to learn English or stop pissing your cheap beer on the sidewalk in front of the 7-11 or the WaWa or the Quick-Trip and claim it as a "cultural difference" that we must ain't a cultural difference, it is just that the poverty you knew back in Mexico or banana-land caused bad behavior, and you aren't willing to leave that behavior behind, yet you expect us to welcome you??? Think again Jose.

Bigotry?? Racism??? OK...let us look at some of my neighbors here in River City...the rich part of town...several Jewish families...nice enough...we all wave we we see each other and once a year everyone gets together to break some bread...the rest of the year they don't have a goy pass their threshold, nor do they accept invitations to do so...they chose to only associate with other Jews...when I do that, I am a bigot...
The point??? The point is simple really...we are all human, all tribal as can be (see sub-Saharan Africa, recent history) even tho we want to pretend that we are all so damned sophisticated that we can get past all of that...we can't...none of knock off the endless guilt shit when I don't especially like how you behave or misbehave...and quit hiding behind being the victimhood crap...
You will find that patience and good will are nearly depleted...


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