Saturday, August 05, 2006

Naughty Quaker...

Here now we have Floyd Landis...ex-champ of the Tour de France. Apparently ole Floyd cheated his ass off by taking a burst of testosterone...the kind that is made up in a lab, not in your body. So young Mr. Landis, a Quaker, will be stripped of the title.
We don't have enough embarrassing crap going on ??? Bush/Chaney/Rummy/Gore/Schumer etc. et al aren't making the US appear stupid/arrogant/screwed-up enough, but that your ass has to come along and ADD to it by cheating on a damned bike-race. Admittedly, Lance Armstrong isn't/wasn't always as nice as he pretended to be, but this cheating you did looks more like some school boy way to try to stick it to Armstrong...instead you stuck it to yourself, your country, and your sport...dumbass.
And WTF is with the hat??? You ain't some hip-hop gangsta in the hood...(Quakers don't have hoods), so remove the hat, especially indoors, and act like a man for a change...the hat just adds to the homeliness God dropped on you...grow up.
'Tis time for you to go back to wearing black & white and living with candles and labor and horses and getting your mind right, cuz it sure as hell ain't right now.


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